My passion for helping exceptional children and their parents comes from my personal experience and relationships.
I grew up in a home environment crafted for the care and attention of an exceptional child. Throughout the 1980’s and 1990’s, I witnessed and experienced how difficult it was for my parents to get medical, educational, and other services for my younger brother, Gary. Gary was nonverbal, deaf, and diagnosed with classic autism. Our family worked hard to help Paul reach his developmental goals, and we all shared in the joy of his personal victories and accomplishments. Gary introduced me to compassion, selflessness, patience, and understanding. I have certainly not mastered these virtues, but Paul was the personification of these lessons for me.

Today, my wife and I are blessed with three children, two of whom have specific educational needs. Our oldest child, David, has Dyslexia, and our middle child, Ainsley, has ADHD and developmental delays.
Being personally touched by children with a disability throughout my life, it was only natural to be drawn to learn more about how I could legally advocate for them. In my special education practice, I get to help children with special needs attain one of the essential tools to independence and self-sufficiency – a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE).